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Welcome to Star Sky Childcare & Preschool LLC. My facility is licensed by the California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing. 
歡迎來到星晨樂園家庭托兒。 持有由加州社會服務處的社區牌照事務處頒發的托兒服務牌照。







Our Mission 服務宗旨
Our mission is to provide children with a safe, clean, warm and love environment to learn basic skills joyfully and lightheartedly, develop self-discipline, build self-confidence, strengthen self-esteem and cultivate good behaviors and positive values. We have a well-prepared environment which provides children have the maximum ability for learning and exploration. It is home-like, welcoming and reflective of diversity to the child’s world and opens up a place of discovery that is inviting and stimulating.


We focus on building strong and close relationships not only with children but also their families. We need them to work together to bring a warm, trusting and supportive environment to their children.
為孩子們營造一個安全, 整潔, 溫馨和關愛的環境。 讓孩子們能夠輕鬆愉快地學習基本技能, 培養自律能力, 建立自信心, 強化自尊和養成良好的行為和正面的價值觀。我們有一個充分準備的環境,可為兒童提供最大的學習和探索能力。它像家一樣,熱情好客,反映出在孩子世界裏的多樣性,並開闢了一個充滿吸引力和刺激的探索環境。
我們不僅致力於與孩子們建立牢固的關係, 並與他們的家人建立良好緊密的關係。 我們需要他們的家人共同努力,為孩子帶來一個溫暖,信賴及支持的環境。
Philosophy 托兒理念
We encourage children to play, share, cooperate, help and care with others. Being considerate and respect each other and cultivate empathy for others. To create enjoyable, beautiful and unforgettable childhood memories with us.
Helping children to grow into strong, healthy, capable, responsible and successful learner, we focus on all domains of child development including Physical, Social-Emotional, Cognitive, Communicative, Adaptive development.
我們鼓勵孩子們享受一起玩樂, 互相分享, 合作, 幫助和關懷。 懂得體諒和尊重他人, 培養同理心的感受。 與我們共同創造歡笑, 美好和難忘的童年回憶。
為了幫助兒童成長為強壯,健康,有能力,負責任和成功的學習者,我們專注於兒童發展的所有學習範疇, 包括身體發展, 社交與情緒發展, 認知發展, 溝通與語言發展, 及自理發展。

Need Financial Help?

We also serve Subsidized Child Care Programs. We can help you with the financial aid application process directly through our program. 


License # 384004056

Copyright © 2019 Star Sky Childcare & Preschool LLC. All rights reserved.

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